Altarpieces and sculptures of the Royal Chapel of Granada

Altarpieces and sculptures of the Royal Chapel of Granada

The Royal Chapel of Granada is framed by large altarpieces and sculptures in different styles, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque. It has more than five centuries of history with a great historical, human and religious value expressed through its artistic richness.

Do you want to know more about the interior of the Royal Chapel? Read on!

The altarpieces and sculptures of the Royal Chapel

Baroque is represented by the two altarpieces-wardrobes, as well as by the altarpieces and sculptures of the Chapel of the Holy Cross, one of the three doorways of the Royal Chapel. Let's take a closer look.

The reliquary altarpieces-wardrobes

Both altarpieces are the work of the Granada-born Alonso de Mena. When we open their doors we can contemplate a spectacular dimension where we can observe the richness of their forms and materials, as well as their iconographic discourses.

Above the doors, we can find four rectangular spaces where we can distinguish in relief, in the altarpiece on the right, the figures of Saint Michael and Saint James, Saint Joseph itinerant and probably Saint Philip. On the other hand, in the one on the left, the figures of the Immaculate Conception, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Peter and Saint Paul can be glimpsed.

In the centre of both altarpieces and above the union of the enclosure of their two main doors are two large coats of arms of Spain. Together with the yoke and arrows, they show the royal rank of the architectural ensemble.

The altarpiece of the Chapel of the Holy Cross

This Baroque altarpiece is located in the Chapel of the Holy Cross. It is divided into three sections and raised on two floors. It occupies the entire back of the chapel up to the start of the Gothic vaults. In the centre, the triumphant symbol of the Holy Cross can be seen against the light, framed by apotheosis and richness.

Thanks to the electric light, these scenographies are transformed into a clear space of visual spectacle, where the didactic and emotional contents of the Baroque can be materialised and understood.

On either side are two figures, the Ecce Homo and the Dolorosa, carved in wood and polychrome. These two works by José de Mora show an intimate expression that invites close contemplation and pious meditation. They offer a great contrast with the richness of the background of the altarpiece.

Other sculptures

Another of the sculptures that we can see when we enter the Cathedral is Santa Parentela. It is a Renaissance work by Bernabé de Gaviria and in front of it, San Juan de Capistrano, a Baroque work by José de Mora.

On the other hand, in the Chapel of San Ildefonso, there are two Renaissance reliefs of the Triumph of the Holy Cross and the Creation of Eve.

Would you like to come and discover the history of the Royal Chapel of Granada, as well as its altarpieces and sculptures from up close? From our website you can buy your ticket to the monument and even buy a combined ticket and get great discounts.

Buy your ticket online to the Royal Chapel of Granada.

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