The Albaicín neighbourhood: history and corners of the area

The Albaicín neighbourhood: history and corners of the area

The Albaicín district of Granada is one of the most interesting in the city, with an indescribable beauty, a great history and many valuable sites. For this reason, it is important to know all its corners and narrow streets.

Would you like to discover all the events that took place in the Albaicín neighbourhood? Stay and read our article, we show you everything you need to know below!

History of the Albaicín quarter

Archaeological groups and historians have revealed the existence of settlements from the Neolithic period in what is now the Albaicín district, and the Iberian presence has also been confirmed in the 7th century BC.

Later, when the Roman Empire gained access to the peninsula, a process of Romanisation took place in Ilíberis, the name given at that time to the Albaicín district.

However, the history of the Albaicín has been mainly influenced by the Muslim conquest, especially when the Zirid court built its royal palace here in the 11th century.

The Muslims gradually adapted the Albaicín to their customs and architecture, erecting numerous mosques, Moorish baths, cisterns, cisterns and schools, among other sites.

In 1492 the Catholic Monarchs took Granada, replacing the mosques with churches and endowing the neighbourhood with numerous fountains.

Corners of the Albaicín

There are many places to see in the Albaicín neighbourhood, so you should know the most significant ones. Read on!


Undoubtedly, the Albaicín stands out for the views it offers of the city of Granada, making it vital to visit some of its viewpoints.

Among them we must mention the viewpoint of San Nicolás, where we can admire the spectacular Alhambra, the viewpoint of San Miguel Alto, whose location allows us to see the whole city, and the viewpoint of San Cristóbal, ideal for a panoramic view of Granada and the Zirí wall.

There are also other well-known viewpoints such as La Lona and Los Carvajales.


In the interior of the Albaicín quarter we can visit admirable palaces such as that of the Córdoba family or that of Dar - al - Horra.

The former is one of the most impressive buildings in the field of historical architecture, as it has a large Renaissance façade with Gothic and Mudejar elements, surrounded by beautiful gardens.

On the other hand, the palace of Dar al-Horra was built in the 15th century on the site of the palace of the Zirid kings. Significant events took place here, such as the revolts that brought Boabdil to the throne.


Other great attractions of the Albaicín quarter are the Casa de Zafra, the Casa del Chapiz and the Casa Horno del Oro.

The Casa de Zafra is the only Moorish house before the Catholic Monarchs that can be visited today in the Albaicín and was declared a historic-artistic monument and a Site of Cultural Interest. It has beautiful Nasrid architecture and was a Hispano-Muslim dwelling during the 14th and 15th centuries.

As for the Casa del Chapiz, we should know that it is actually two connected houses built in the 14th century. It stands out for its masterful combination of Arab and Christian elements.

There is also the Casa Horno del Oro, which corresponds to a two-storey Moorish house, with a rectangular courtyard in which there is a pool and triple arches on Arab columns. It was built shortly after the arrival of the Catholic Monarchs.

Churches and mosques

Finally, to know everything about the Albaicín, we could not forget to mention its churches and mosques.

Thus, the most relevant church is the church of El Salvador, located where the city's Great Mosque used to be. It has a Mudejar style and contains works by artists such as José de Mora, Bocanegra and Pablo de Rojas.

As for the mosques, the Great Mosque of Granada, located next to the San Nicolás viewpoint, is a must-see. It was built in 2003 with spectacular gardens, a prayer hall and the Centre for Islamic Studies.

Why take a route through the Albaicín neighbourhood?

As you have seen throughout this article about the history and the corners of the Albacín neighbourhood, this district has become one of the most touristic places in Granada, as a consequence of its charm and its good preservation.

If you want to admire the most unique neighbourhood of the city of Granada, do not hesitate to book our route through the Albaicín on this official website of the Archdiocese of Granada. Let yourself be surprised by its streets and its charm!

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The Albaicín neighbourhood: history and corners of the area

The Albaicín neighbourhood: history and corners of the area