Construction of the Tabernacle of the Cartuja Monastery

Construction of the Tabernacle of the Cartuja Monastery

The Sagrario del Monasterio de la Cartuja stands out for its great beauty and for the spectacular nature of all the decorative elements inside, which entailed a cost of 600,000 reales. For this reason, it is important to know how the construction of the Sagrario del Monasterio de la Cartuja de Granada was developed.

Would you like to know the most relevant facts about the construction of the Monastery of the Carthusian Monastery of Granada? Stay to read our article, we show you everything you need to know below!

Initial problems in the construction of the Tabernacle of the Monastery of the Carthusian Monastery of Granada

The first steps to build the Sagrario del Monasterio de la Cartuja de Granada were taken in 1702, with the construction work being carried out by people from the monastery itself.

This fact resulted in the need for subsequent demolitions to carry out reinforcements, modifications and reconstructions, since the members of the congregation did not have sufficient knowledge of architecture.

Consequently, it was decided to create a commission of experts to reinforce the exterior walls, place columns on pedestals in the corners of the chapel, build two side chapels to serve as buttresses for the tabernacle and raise the window in the front wall.

The work of Francisco Bustamante y Arias together with Hurtado Izquierdo

Father Francisco Bustamante y Arias arrived in Granada as prior in 1709, finding the works of the Sagrario paralyzed and with the problems already described. Thus, he met the architect Hurtado Izquierdo Izquierdo, who was well trained in Granada in those years, and who offered him solutions to the problems that the Monastery of the Cartuja presented.

Among Hurtado Izquierdo's most outstanding actions we find the separation of the columns from the angles to create a more dynamic space, where the concavity and convexity of the forms are influenced by the same curves that shape the central tabernacle.

On the other hand, in the Sagrario del Monasterio de la Cartuja he released his obsession with the conjugation of light: from above, through the lunettes of the dome, from the back wall, opening the large window and, on its flanks, the 2 oculi that open to the chapels.

The work of the stonemason Vicente de Acero

Vicente de Acero is one of the most representative architects of the late baroque period in Spain. He was part of Hurtado Izquierdo's group of stonemasons and was instructed in architecture, carrying out projects of exceptional quality and originality.

On numerous occasions, Vicente ruled that Hurtado Izquierdo was absent from the construction of the Sagrario del Monasterio de la Cartuja de Granada, so he had to be the one to make the decisions on this work.

In this way, many of the elements that the Sagrario de la Cartuja has today are also the responsibility of Vicente de Acero.

Update by Antonio Palomino

The beauty of the Sagrario del Monasterio de la Cartuja de Granada would not be understood without the work of the painter Antonio Palomino. This personality, together with his work as a theoretician of the arts, was the most prestigious painter and decorator in Spain, arriving in Granada with the experience of carrying out great works.

Both the idea and the act of the paintings of the Sagrario de la Cartuja de Granada are of his testa and hand, following the premises assigned by the prior. Thus, he created 2 large canvases, in one he paints Sephora and Moses and, in the other, Abigail and David.

Antonio Palomino also created 4 smaller paintings: The vision of one of Gideon's soldiers, The sacrifice of David, The priest Ahimelech giving David the sword of Goliath and the loaves of bread, and The 3 angels in the tent of Abraham and Sarah.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the dome, in which he displays all his art, representing the heavenly triumph of Jesus Christ Sacrament, at the same time symbol of the Carthusian sow as a synthesis of the characteristic virtues of the eremitic life.

Why visit the Cartuja Monastery of Granada?

As you have seen throughout this article about the construction of the Sagrario del Monasterio de la Cartuja de Granada, great artists passed through this impressive monument to capture their talent and genius, giving rise to one of the most beautiful places in the city.

If you would like more information about this site, do not hesitate to purchase your tickets to the Cartuja Monastery of Granada on our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Book your visit and be amazed by this wonderful temple!

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