Sculpture and painting of the Sacromonte Abbey

Sculpture and painting of the Sacromonte Abbey

The Sacromonte complex is one of the most outstanding monuments in the city of Granada, as it has an important history, as well as possessing a remarkable beauty both inside and in its surroundings. For this reason, it is necessary to know the sculpture and painting of the Abadía del Sacromonte.

Would you like to discover some of the works of art found in the Sacromonte Abbey in Granada? Stay and read this post, we will show you everything you need to know below!

Sculpture of the Sacromonte Abbey

In reference to the sculptures of the Abadía del Sacromonte, the works of José Risueño, Duque Cornejo, Torcuato Ruiz del Peral and Juan Niño de Guevara stand out.

In this way, we must highlight an image that is very dear to the history of the Abbey, small in size but exultant in terms of beauty. We refer to the Virgen de las Cuevas de Risueño, representing tradition and devotion in Sacromonte.

It is also necessary to mention the Inmaculada / Asunción by Duque Cornejo which, apart from its spectacular nature, is admirable for the difficulty of the carving. The author manages to ensure that the whole mass of the carved and polychrome wood rests, in miraculous equilibrium, on a child angel who holds it on his shoulders.

Another of Duque Cornejo's outstanding works is an Immaculate Conception with a wide movement of the blue mantle, in a praying attitude and with her head slightly inclined.

There are many Immaculate Conception in the Sacromonte Abbey that stand out for their beauty, such as the one by Alonso de Mena, the one by Torcuato Ruiz del Peral and the Immaculate Conception / Maternity by José Risueño.

Paintings of the Sacromonte Abbey

On the other hand, in the Sacromonte Abbey we find valuable pieces of painting, and it is appropriate to know some of the canvases that are part of the extensive collection of Marian paintings, sticking to the Immaculate Conception theme.

We can begin with the Immaculate Conception attributed to Raxis, which is of exceptional value from the first decades of the 17th century. The Virgin stands in prayerful pose on the crescent moon, wearing a red tunic and a large blue mantle bordered with pearls and other motifs.

Another highly valuable canvas is the Immaculate Conception attributed by Gallego Burín to the Carthusian friar Fray Juan Sánchez Cotán, dated to the first decades of the 17th century. The Virgin on the crescent moon is in a prayerful pose and appears surrounded by musical angels and others holding the crown and offering flowers to Mary.

Also worthy of note is the painting of unusual dimensions by Juan Niño de Guevara, a disciple of Cano, in which Mary appears on a transparent glass sphere, in which cherubs can be glimpsed. The monumentality of the canvas and the sense of colour make her stand out and draw attention to her.

Other paintings in the Abadía del Sacromonte that deserve to be mentioned are ‘Pacual Bailón writing about the Immaculate Conception’, ‘Don Pedro de Castro praying before the altar of the conceived without stain’ and ‘Mary between Saint Thomas of Villanova and Duns Scotus’.

Why visit the Sacromonte Abbey?

As you have seen throughout this article on the sculpture and painting of the Abadía del Sacromonte, in its artistic heritage we find a large number of immaculist pieces, especially from the 18th century, which capture the attention of all tourists and surprise its visitors.

If you would like to visit this monument, do not hesitate to buy your tickets to the Sacromonte Abbey on the official website of the Archdiocese of Granada, discover the charm of this place and be amazed by its spectacular nature!

Los secretos de la Abadía del Sacromonte

Los secretos de la Abadía del Sacromonte

Los retablos de la Abadía del Sacromonte

Los retablos de la Abadía del Sacromonte

The history of the Sacromonte Abbey in Granada

The history of the Sacromonte Abbey in Granada

Why visit the Sacromonte Abbey?

Why visit the Sacromonte Abbey?