Head of the Main Chapel of Granada Cathedral

Head of the Main Chapel of Granada Cathedral

The Cathedral of Granada is one of the most visited monuments in the city because of its history and also because of the beauty of all the elements that make it up. For this reason, today we talk about the chevet of its Main Chapel.

Would you like to know the theme and the construction of the main chapel of the Cathedral of Granada? Stay and read this article, we show you everything you need to know below!

Themes of the first section

The iconography of the first body of the Main Chapel of the Cathedral of Granada is developed around 3 themes: the apostles, the founding saints and the holy fathers of the Church.

Thus, we can admire 12 white half-columns on whose shafts protrude ledges where the statues of the apostles rest, all of them gilded to create a chromatic play and made at the beginning of the 17th century.

Likewise, in the intercolumniations we can see 6 sculpted statues belonging to the saints Francisco de Asís, Francisco Javier, Pedro de Alcántara, Domingo de Guzmán, Ignacio de Loyola and Juan de Dios.

Finally, above the arches of the radial corridors of communication with the ambulatory and under the first entablature, there are 14 canvases with figures representing the cycle of the holy fathers and doctors of the Church.

Decoration and symbolism of the second section

The second section also has Corinthian semi-columns, although they are somewhat thinner than those of the first section. Above them, on decorated pedestals, stand busts of saints, which are the work of Bocanegra, Sevilla and Risueño.

It should also be noted that in this section there is a decoration that combines the art of painting with the art of stained glass.

Here we must mention the paintings of the life of Mary by Alonso Cano, which correspond to 7 monumental canvases made between 1652 and 1664 and which narrate the life of the Virgin.

Why visit the Cathedral of Granada?

As you have seen throughout this article about the main chapel of the Cathedral of Granada, inside the cathedral you can admire the work of great artists in painting, sculpture and architecture, which has given rise to one of the most important buildings in the city of Granada.

If you would like to visit this monument, you can buy your tickets to the Cathedral of Granada on our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Enjoy the history and charm of this temple!

La fachada de la Catedral de Granada

La fachada de la Catedral de Granada

Influencia de la luz en la Catedral de Granada

Influencia de la luz en la Catedral de Granada

The Main Altar of Granada Cathedral

The Main Altar of Granada Cathedral

Catedral de Granada: Capilla Señora del Carmen

Catedral de Granada: Capilla Señora del Carmen

Granada Cathedral: Virgen de las Angustias Chapel

Granada Cathedral: Virgen de las Angustias Chapel