Corinthian pillars of the Granada Cathedral

Corinthian pillars of the Granada Cathedral

The construction of the Corinthian pillars of the Cathedral of Granada took place between 1533 and 1555, requiring more than 20 years to create one of the most amazing constructions of the temple.

Would you like to know everything about the Corinthian pillars of the Cathedral of Granada? Stay and read our post, we show you the most complete information!

Siloesque model

With the aim of preserving the stylistic proportions of the classical forms, Siloé decided to supplement the 20 pillars of the basilica's body with various architectural complements. In this way, he managed to solve the problem posed by the different heights between the main body and the central nave of the cathedral.

As a result, Siloé opted for Corinthian pillars crowned by entablatures, applying proportional relationships between the capital and the shaft, reducing the diameter of the shaft and marking details in accordance with classical canons.

Elements of the pillars

The outline of the central pillars has a tall, sturdy, regular pedestal on which rests a cruciform pillar with grooves in the half-columns.

The shaft is crowned by a Corinthian capital. In addition, a dado extends the height of the pillar together with an entablature formed by an architrave and frieze.

We can see that the pillar ends with a slender pilaster whose entablature starts the arches and the ribs of the arches.

With all the resources used by Siloé, he manages to articulate the measurements of the chapel divisions and provide a structural skeleton with linear guidelines, as well as differentiating and uniting the spatial volumes of the interior.

A reference for other cathedrals

Siloé's model in Granada Cathedral was a point of reference for other cathedrals and major temples. Thus we see his influence in the Cathedral of Guadalajara (Mexico), the Cathedral of Malaga or the Cathedral of Lima (Peru).

Siloé also left his mark on the Cathedral of Guadix, the Cathedral of Jaén and the Cathedral of Cádiz, making his mark spread to other territories.

Why visit Granada Cathedral?

As you have seen throughout this article about the Corinthian pillars of the Cathedral of Granada, thanks to its construction, a sense of harmony and balance was obtained in the monument, making us feel its grandeur and importance when we enter the cathedral.

If you would like to visit this monument, you can buy your tickets to the Cathedral of Granada on our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Enjoy the history and charm of this temple!

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