Sepulchre of Juana and Felipe: Royal Chapel of Granada

Sepulchre of Juana and Felipe: Royal Chapel of Granada

In the heart of the city of Granada we find the Royal Chapel, where the tomb of Juana and Felipe rests, two figures who left a deep mark on the history of our country. So, we tell you all about the sculptors who participated in this work of art and we explain each of its details and iconography.

Do you want to know why Juana and Felipe were buried in Granada? Stay and read this article, we'll show you everything you need to know below!

Sculptors of the Mausoleum of Joan and Philip in the Royal Chapel of Granada

Domenico Alessandro Fancelli was one of the sculptors involved in the mausoleum of Joan and Philip, receiving the commission for the Royal Chapel in 1518. However, his death the following year meant that the work was transferred to the hands of the sculptor from Burgos, Bartolomé Ordóñez.

Thanks to this artist, the tomb of Juana and Felipe became an outstanding example of European funerary sculpture and one of the most important works of the Renaissance in Spain.

It should also be noted that Bartolomé Ordóñez did not follow Domenico Fancelli's original project, as he innovated with the restitution of the sepulchral bed, the angular taps for statues of satyrs and the placement of the recumbent statues on a sarcophagus.

Finally, mention should be made of the work of Pietro de Carona, who was commissioned to finish the tomb after the death of Bartolomé Ordóñez.

Why Juana and Philip were buried in the Royal Chapel of Granada

Juana, daughter of the Catholic Monarchs, married Philip, son of Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg. This was a consequence of the marriage policies of the kings, who married their descendants to heirs of other kingdoms to ensure alliances and the success of the crown.

Juana's love for her husband, which led her to be known as "the madwoman", was only matched by his lust for power, as he wanted to occupy the role of King of Castile at all costs. However, although he achieved this title, he died in the same year that he was scheduled to become king.

Juana decided to take the body to Granada, because one of the greatest feats of the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, the reconquest and capture of the city, had taken place there.

A historical fact is that during the pilgrimage, Juana ordered her retinue to stop on several occasions to open the coffin and pray, something that her father would take advantage of to continue to attribute mental derangement to her and remove her from power in order for him to reign.

Mausoleum of Juana and Felipe in the Royal Chapel of Granada

The mausoleum of Juana and Felipe that can be seen in the Royal Chapel of Granada was contracted for a price of 3,200 gold ducats, with the reward of 200 more if it satisfied the quality and perfection of the work.

It is a double sepulchre made of white Carrara marble. The first floor is decorated with niches and representations of the virtues. There are also allegories of philosophy and arithmetic, along with medallions depicting religious scenes.

On the sides of the first floor are images of St. Michael, St. John the Evangelist, St. Andrew and St. John the Baptist. On the mantelpiece are the recumbent bodies, Joanna in burgundy vestments with a necklace on her chest, holding the royal sceptre in both hands, while Philip wears armour and a dalmatic with balsams of the different kingdoms, wears the necklace of the Golden Fleece and holds a sword in his hands.

Buy your tickets for the Royal Chapel of Granada

As you have seen throughout this article about the tomb of Juana and Felipe, this historical monument not only represents an exceptional artistic and architectural expression, but it is also a tangible testimony of the deep connection between royalty and the history of Granada.

If you would like to visit this beautiful temple, you can buy your tickets to the Royal Chapel of Granada through our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Let yourself be surprised by this site and enjoy its great beauty!

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