Recent transformations of the Cathedral of Granada

Recent transformations of the Cathedral of Granada

Immersed in the passing of time, the Cathedral of Granada stands as a witness to the changes that have shaped its architectural and spiritual splendour. Among the various recent transformations of the Cathedral of Granada, the dismantling of the choir and the installation of the tabernacle in the Main Chapel stand out, as well as the creation of the "Cathedral Museum" which opens the doors of its treasures to the public.

Would you like to explore the most current interventions that have taken place in this venerable monument? Stay and read our article, we'll show you everything you need to know below!

Dismantling of the choir and installation of the tabernacle

The dismantling of the choir of Granada Cathedral took place in 1926 and was motivated by the desire to achieve a continuous, diaphanous and uninterrupted basilical body towards the Main Chapel.

In this way, the tabernacle that can be seen today in the Main Chapel was implemented, which meant the substitution of its neoclassical namesake and the elimination of the base and the quadrangular platform on which it was installed in 1878 and which occupied approximately half of the total surface of the presbytery.

In this way, the Chapter sought to create a larger liturgical space, aimed at encouraging the following of the faithful.

Cathedral Museum

The "Cathedral Museum", designed by Fernando Wihelmi, was inaugurated on 29 May 1929 to give the public visiting the church access to its most significant objects of worship, which until then had been inaccessible and kept inside.

The limitations of the Cathedral in terms of space meant that it was located in what was then the Chapter House of the Chapter House.

This museum is an unquestionable attraction for visitors due to the great quality and variety of the pieces on display. Thus, the collection is made up of important Flemish tapestries, several objects of gold and silver work from the Catholic Monarchs, polychrome carvings from the Granada school and sacred ornaments placed inside the display cases of the cabinets that surround the entire perimeter of the room.

Buy your tickets to the Cathedral of Granada

As you have seen throughout this article on the recent transformations of the Cathedral of Granada, we have observed a series of architectural changes that have contributed to increase the value and relevance of this site, making it an essential place to visit in the city.

If you would like to visit this monument, you can buy your tickets to the Cathedral of Granada on our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Enjoy the history and charm of this temple!

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The secrets of Granada Cathedral

La fachada de la Catedral de Granada

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