Why visit Granada Cathedral

Why visit Granada Cathedral

Granada is a city rich in history and culture, with countless neighbourhoods, streets and monuments of great heritage value. So, today we want to show you why to visit the Cathedral of Granada, one of the most significant sites of the Granada panorama.

Would you like to know the reasons why you should discover the Cathedral of Granada? Stay and read this article, we show you everything you need to know below!

For its history

The Cathedral of Granada is a very significant place in the history of the city, as its construction lasted for more than 2 centuries and is a clear testimony to the reconquest of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs.

Its origins date back to 1523 and the works were directed by the architect Diego de Siloé, who introduced mainly renaissance elements. This created a work of art that encapsulates the passage of time.

Each column, each sculpture and each element tells the story of the transformation of Granada and the consolidation of the Christian faith in the region. The Cathedral stands as a living monument that narrates the vicissitudes of history, from its foundations to the grandiose culmination of a reconquered city.

For its architecture

The exterior of Granada Cathedral was designed by Alonso Cano, who designed a baroque façade. It highlights a remarkable contrast of light and shadow due to the different tones and contrasts between stone and marble.

Granada Cathedral has a Latin cross, with five naves and a transept. The central nave is particularly high and spacious, crowned by a ribbed vault.

Inside, there are numerous side chapels, each with its own style. The High Altar is also very remarkable, with its detailed ornamentation and sculptures.

Likewise, its stained glass windows and columns take centre stage as soon as we enter the Cathedral of Granada, giving us a sensation of immensity and spectacularity.

For their works of art

The interior of Granada Cathedral is full of works of art, with a large number of paintings, sculptures and altarpieces by notable artists. The main altarpiece and the works of Pedro de Mena and Juan de Valdés Leal stand out.

Every artistic detail has a history of faith and creative expression, making every corner of Granada Cathedral unique and admirable.

We must also mention the Renaissance pulpit sculpted by Felipe Bigarny, a jewel adorned with figures of the 4 Evangelists. The organs and the choir, of sublime beauty, also stand out.

Because of its spirituality

Finally, in order to know why to visit the Cathedral of Granada, we could not forget to mention its spiritual sense.

Beyond its tourist attraction, the Cathedral is a space of serenity and faith, where solemnity invites reflection. Participating in the religious ceremonies held inside or simply walking through its corridors helps us to experience the connection between the earthly and the divine, turning the visit into a contemplative journey.

This temple is a living place of worship and devotion where we can find a haven of peace amidst the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

As a consequence, the Cathedral of Granada is not only an impressive architectural complex, but also a spiritual refuge where union with the transcendental is revealed through every detail.

Buy your tickets to the Cathedral of Granada

As you have seen throughout this article on why to visit the Cathedral of Granada, this temple is a symbol of the history and culture of the city, standing out for the majesty of its works of art, its architectural composition and its spiritual sense.

If you would like to visit this monument, you can buy your tickets to the Cathedral of Granada on our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Enjoy the history and charm of this temple!

Influencia de la luz en la Catedral de Granada

Influencia de la luz en la Catedral de Granada

Catedral de Granada: Capilla Señora del Carmen

Catedral de Granada: Capilla Señora del Carmen

The main arch of Granada Cathedral

The main arch of Granada Cathedral

The organs of Granada Cathedral

The organs of Granada Cathedral

Granada Cathedral: Virgen de las Angustias Chapel

Granada Cathedral: Virgen de las Angustias Chapel

Head of the Main Chapel of Granada Cathedral

Head of the Main Chapel of Granada Cathedral