The gold and silver work of Granada Cathedral

The gold and silver work of Granada Cathedral

A legacy of centuries

The Cathedral of Granada, with its imposing façade and interior brimming with beauty, is not only a religious monument of great importance, but also the custodian of a priceless treasure: its collection of gold and silver work. This collection, spanning more than five centuries of history, invites us on a fascinating journey through art and faith.

Pieces that tell stories

Beyond their material value, each piece in the collection has a unique story that tells us about the evolution of art over the centuries, from the austere Gothic style to the exuberance of the Baroque.

A tour of the masterpieces

Let us stop to admire some of the most outstanding pieces:

  • The Custody of Arfe, a masterpiece of the Spanish Renaissance, made of gilded silver and adorned with more than 2,600 precious stones. Its design, which evokes a Gothic monstrance with Mannerist elements, makes it one of the most important pieces of Spanish goldsmithing.
  • The Chalice of St. Peter, a silver chalice from the 16th century, given by the Pope to the Cathedral of Granada. Its sober elegance reflects the purity of the late Gothic style.
  • The Processional Cross of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre, a 14th century Gothic cross, considered one of the most important in Spain due to its size and the complexity of its decoration.

More than just a collection of objects

The gold and silver work of the Cathedral of Granada is much more than just a collection of valuable objects. It is a reflection of popular devotion, the talent of the goldsmiths and the splendour of the Church over the centuries. Each piece, from the monstrances and chalices to the cruets and candlesticks, has a profound religious and cultural significance.

A legacy for generations to come

The Cathedral of Granada, aware of the importance of this legacy, has made a great effort to conserve and restore the goldsmith's collection. Thanks to this work, today we can enjoy these unique pieces in a space specially designed for their exhibition.

An invitation to discover a treasure

If you visit Granada, don't miss the opportunity to enter the Cathedral and discover its hidden treasure: the gold and silver work. You will be surprised by the beauty and history hidden in each of these unique pieces.

Delving into the collection:

  • The Gold and Silverware Exhibition Room: Granada Cathedral has dedicated a specific room to the exhibition of its gold and silverware collection. In this space, you can admire the most outstanding pieces of the collection and learn about its history through information panels.
  • Research and publications: The Cathedral of Granada has promoted various studies and research on its goldsmith's collection, which has allowed to deepen the knowledge of this valuable heritage.

Buy your tickets to the Cathedral of Granada

As you have seen throughout this article on the gold and silver work of the Cathedral of Granada, inside this site we find valuable goods that make up a treasure of great beauty and conservation of more than five centuries old.

If you would like to visit this beautiful temple, you can buy your tickets to the Cathedral of Granada through our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Let yourself be amazed by this monument and enjoy its great beauty!

Los secretos de la Catedral de Granada

Los secretos de la Catedral de Granada

La fachada de la Catedral de Granada

La fachada de la Catedral de Granada

Toda la historia de la Catedral de Granada

Toda la historia de la Catedral de Granada

La arquitectura de la capilla de la Catedral de Granada

La arquitectura de la capilla de la Catedral de Granada

La sacristía de la Catedral de Granada

La sacristía de la Catedral de Granada

La Torre Campanario de la Catedral de Granada

La Torre Campanario de la Catedral de Granada

Influencia de la luz en la Catedral de Granada

Influencia de la luz en la Catedral de Granada

The interior portals of Granada Cathedral

The interior portals of Granada Cathedral

The Main Altar of Granada Cathedral

The Main Altar of Granada Cathedral

The pulpits of Granada Cathedral

The pulpits of Granada Cathedral

The vaults of the Granada Cathedral

The vaults of the Granada Cathedral

The sculptures of the Cathedral of Granada

The sculptures of the Cathedral of Granada

Los tapices de la Catedral de Granada

Los tapices de la Catedral de Granada

Catedral de Granada: Capilla Señora del Carmen

Catedral de Granada: Capilla Señora del Carmen

Construcción Catedral de Granada: contexto urbano

Construcción Catedral de Granada: contexto urbano

The main arch of Granada Cathedral

The main arch of Granada Cathedral

The organs of Granada Cathedral

The organs of Granada Cathedral

Head of the Main Chapel of Granada Cathedral

Head of the Main Chapel of Granada Cathedral

Paintings of the Cathedral of Granada

Paintings of the Cathedral of Granada

Corinthian pillars of the Granada Cathedral

Corinthian pillars of the Granada Cathedral

Recent transformations of the Cathedral of Granada

Recent transformations of the Cathedral of Granada

Why visit Granada Cathedral

Why visit Granada Cathedral