Legacy of the Royal Chapel of Granada

Legacy of the Royal Chapel of Granada

The Catholic Monarchs, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, left a very significant mark on the history of our country, which has been perpetuated over the centuries. Part of their legacy can be found in the Royal Chapel of Granada, a place that treasures important possessions of these monarchs.

Would you like to know what belongings of the Catholic Monarchs are kept in the Royal Chapel of Granada? Stay and read this post, we will show you everything you need to know below!

Wills of Isabella and Ferdinand

Queen Isabella's will revealed the enormous quantity of jewels, paintings, tapestries, clothes, fabrics, gold coins and many other objects that were stored in various buildings in Castile.

This wealth may contrast with the austerity that characterised the life of the queen and her court, but it was a method of securing the funds of the public treasury for the undertakings that the monarchy had to undertake in the service of the state.

For this reason, many of her possessions were sold to meet expenses, others were placed at the disposal of her heirs and others went to various monasteries and churches in the kingdom, most notably the Royal Chapel of Granada.

King Ferdinand also established in his will similar guidelines to those laid down by his wife.

The legacy that arrived at the Royal Chapel of Granada

Liturgical vestments and sacred vessels, books and objects of great emotional value to the Queen, such as her crown, her sceptre, her chest, her reliquary and her mirror, arrived at the Royal Chapel of Granada. The same was true of one of Ferdinand's most prized possessions, his sword.

Other belongings of various kinds also arrived, such as relics, tapestries and paintings, although some of them gradually disappeared in order to meet essential expenses, due to the invasion of the French and some thefts.

However, it is admirable that after hundreds of years the most personal belongings of the Catholic Monarchs have been preserved.

The Sacristy Museum

As a consequence of the extensive legacy of the Catholic Monarchs in the Royal Chapel of Granada, a museum was set up in the sacristy in 1945.

This space is divided into two areas. In the first area, the symbols of royalty occupy the centre and on the sides there are historical textiles, sets of liturgical ornaments, sculptures, reliquaries and original documents about the foundation of the Chapel.

The second area is dedicated to painting and is subdivided into two other regions, one dedicated to Flemish panels and the other to Italian, Hispano-Flemish and Dutch ones.

Finally, we could not forget to mention that the whole space is presided over by the Altarpiece which houses the Triptych of the Passion by Dieric Bouts and the panels painted by Pedro Machuca and Indaco.

Buy your tickets to the Royal Chapel of Granada

As you have seen throughout this article about the legacy of the Royal Chapel of Granada, inside this site we find valuable goods that belonged to the Catholic Monarchs, showing the importance of this monument for the city and for the whole national territory.

If you would like to visit this beautiful temple, you can buy your tickets to the Royal Chapel of Granada through our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Let yourself be surprised by this monument and enjoy its great beauty!

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