The burial of Isabella the Catholic

The burial of Isabella the Catholic

Isabella of Castile modified her will shortly before her death, establishing the wish that her remains should rest in the city of Granada. We explain how the burial of Isabella the Catholic, one of the most important personalities in our history, took place.

Would you like to find out how the funeral procession of Isabella the Catholic was? Stay and read our article, we will show you everything you need to know below!

Death of Isabella the Catholic

Queen Isabella died on 26 November 1504 in Medina del Campo, Valladolid, at the age of 53. According to various writings of the time, the cause of her death was dropsy, which developed from cancer of the uterus.

Isabel's symptoms and ailments lasted for three years, causing her to suffer from high fevers, swollen legs and ulcers in her extremities in her final stage.

It should be noted that the Queen of Castile's intense life caused her health and appearance to resemble that of an older woman. She also suffered from malaria at the age of 41.

The journey to Granada

Following Isabella's wish to be buried in Granada, a funeral procession of around 200 people was organised for her transfer. Thus began a journey of more than 600 kilometres.

As the journey took place at the end of November and beginning of December, the temperatures were very low, and there were also a series of heavy rains that made the journey difficult.

During the journey, which lasted twenty days, numerous stops were made, resting and regaining strength in areas such as Arévalo, Cardeñosa, Toledo, Manzanares, Linares, Alcalá la Real and Pinos Puente, among others.

On 17 December 1504 they reached the city of Granada, passing through the Arch of Elvira and through symbolic streets until they reached the Alhambra, where she was to be buried.

The burial of Isabella the Catholic

In her will, Isabella the Catholic determined to be buried in the Monastery of San Francisco de la Alhambra in a Franciscan habit, an act which was carried out according to these directives on 18 December 1504. Later, in 1516, she was joined by Ferdinand of Aragon, who wished to be laid to rest next to his wife.

However, Charles V decided that his grandparents should be buried in the Royal Chapel of Granada, which had been founded by the Catholic Monarchs in 1504 and which they never knew. Therefore, on 10 November 1521, the kings were transferred to the crypt where they remain to this day.

Above them, an impressive mausoleum was built by the Florentine sculptor Domenico Fancelli where we can see the recumbent figures of Isabella and Ferdinand, following a celestial iconographic programme.

It should also be noted that their daughter Juana and her husband Felipe are buried next to them. As well as her son Miguel de la Paz.

Buy your tickets to the Royal Chapel of Granada

As you have seen throughout this article on the burial of Isabella the Catholic, the queen considered the Reconquest of Granada as one of the most symbolic events of her reign and felt a deep admiration for the charm of this city, which led her to make it the destination of her mortal remains.

If you would like to visit this beautiful temple, you can buy your tickets to the Royal Chapel of Granada through our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Let yourself be surprised by this monument and enjoy its great beauty!

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