Paintings of the Cathedral of Granada

Paintings of the Cathedral of Granada

Granada Cathedral enjoys a valuable pictorial heritage, which is distributed throughout the temple, showing the artistic relevance of the monument. For this reason, it is important to know everything about the paintings of the Cathedral of Granada.

Would you like to get the most in-depth and rigorous information about the paintings found in the Cathedral of Granada? Stay and read this article, we show you everything you need to know below!

Paintings in the Cathedral of Granada

In the Cathedral of Granada we can enjoy pictorial samples from different schools, countries and painters. Thus, we must mention the Flemish and Spanish paintings.


There are 2 representative works of Flemish painting in the Cathedral of Granada.

One of them is ‘The Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem’ by William van Herp. The other painting refers to the ‘Virgin and Child’ by Bernaert van der Stockt, who is known to many as the Master of the Legend of the Magdalene.

The former is on display in the sacristy, while the small panel by Bernaert van der Stoclt can be found in the chapter house in an 18th-century reliquary.

Spanish and Italian

The Italian paintings in Granada Cathedral include works by Il Bassano, Il Sassoferrato, Pacceco de Rosa, Círculo de Giovanni Lanfranco, Carlo Maratta and Maratti.

On the other hand, among the Spanish painters most active in the Granada temple are Sánchez Cotán, Pacheco, Alonso, Argüello, Cano, Bocanegra and Risueño, among many others.

Paintings in the museum

In the Cathedral Museum there are 4 paintings with a Marian theme that contribute to enriching the pictorial heritage of the Cathedral. We explain them to you!

Madonna and Child

This painting is attributed to Boltraffio, a disciple of Leonardo da Vinci and, due to the detailed and meticulous nature of some of its elements, it is also possible that a Flemish painter was involved.

In this oil painting we see Mary gazing attentively at Jesus, whom she holds with great delicacy. The composition is set against a country background crowned by the sky.

Virgin with the sleeping child

This work is remarkable for its fine quality and tenderness. It is by the Italian painter Giovanni Basttista Salvi, a pupil of Dominichino and known as Il Sassoferrato.

Here Mary holds Jesus asleep on her lap, wearing a large blue cloak and a red and white tonic. Jesus conveys great tranquillity and placidity.

Immaculate Conception of Mary

The Spanish painter Juan Sánchez Cotán is responsible for this oil painting executed between 1615 and 1620. It depicts the white dove of the Holy Spirit and a luminous background surrounds Mary, haloed, with the moon at her feet, evoking the well-known text of the Apocalypse.

Mary is dressed in a blue mantle and a white tunic with wide sleeves. Around her we also see a declaration of her goodness through various Marian symbols.

Virgin of the Milk

Finally, among the paintings in Granada Cathedral, we could not forget to mention the ‘Virgin of the Milk’, also known as the ‘Virgin of Bethlehem’.

It is a small work on copper by the painter Francisco Pacheco and corresponds to the frequent iconographic theme of Mary breastfeeding her child.

Mary appears with the moon beneath her feet, wearing a red mantle and a blue tunic. She is also surrounded by a group of 10 angels. 

Why visit the Cathedral of Granada?

As you have seen throughout this article about the paintings of the Cathedral of Granada, inside you can find beautiful works of great painters, making the beauty of the site superior.

If you would like to visit this monument, you can buy your tickets to the Cathedral of Granada on our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Enjoy the history and charm of this temple!

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