Saints of special devotion of Isabella the Catholic

Saints of special devotion of Isabella the Catholic

Queen Isabella of Castile left a lasting legacy both politically and religiously, as her fervent Catholic faith marked much of her reign, something that is reflected in the people she venerated. So, today we show you all the saints of special devotion to Isabella the Catholic.

Would you like to know the religious significance and influence that some saints had on Isabella the Catholic? Stay and read this post, we'll show you everything you need to know below!

Saint John the Evangelist

This saint is a disciple of Jesus and reminds us of love and closeness to God. His youth and purity are a symbol of innocence and total surrender.

He is also the author of the Fourth Gospel, leaving a legacy of wisdom and knowledge about the divinity of Jesus.

The special devotion that Isabella the Catholic felt towards Saint John the Evangelist, incorporating his symbolic eagle in the coat of arms of the monarchy, is striking.

Saint Francis

St. Francis is the saint of poverty and humility, inviting us to live in harmony with nature and to love all creatures living in it.

His message of peace and simplicity inspired Isabella the Catholic, who stated in her will that she wished to be buried simply in her habit, in order to maintain the insistent remembrance of the poor and captives.

She also arranged for her burial to take place in the Monastery of San Francisco de la Alhambra, while the place where  she now rests, the Royal Chapel, was being built.

St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. John the Baptist

Other saints who represented great symbolism for Isabella the Catholic were St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. John the Baptist.

St. Michael is the heavenly protector, who gives us strength and courage to face the battles of life. For Isabella he represented the role of justice and the defence of the people.

On the other hand, St. Gabriel brings us hope and reminds us of the importance of communication, inspiring us to be receptive to the divine will.

Likewise, St. John the Baptist is the forerunner of Jesus, the one who calls us to repentance and conversion. His figure reminds us of the importance of preparation to receive God's grace.

Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary

Finally, among the saints of special devotion to Isabella the Catholic, we could not forget to mention Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Proof of this is the set of panels that can be seen in the Royal Chapel of Granada, which belonged to the monarch. In them we can see different scenes from the life of Jesus, many of them in the company of his mother.

It is also noteworthy that Isabella dedicated several churches to the Incarnation and, in Granada, she left her two patron virgins, the Virgen de la Antigua and the Virgen de las Angustias, as her inheritance.

Take our route through the life of Isabella the Catholic

As you have seen throughout this article on the saints of special devotion of Isabella the Catholic, faith was a fundamental element in her life and in her reign, finding through it the inspiration and strength to face the political and social challenges of her time.

If you would like to know more about this important monarch, you can book our route about Isabella the Catholic through our official website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Let yourself be surprised by her role as queen, wife and mother!

El legado de Isabel la Católica

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Royal Chapel of Granada: Tomb of the Catholic Monarchs

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The gold and silver work of the Catholic Monarchs in the Royal Chapel

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