Why visit the Cartuja Monastery?

Why visit the Cartuja Monastery?

Most tourists who visit the Monasterio de la Cartuja de Granada are amazed by the beauty of this monument and are surprised to learn about the importance and the events that have taken place inside it. For this reason, it is important to discover all the reasons to visit the Cartuja Monastery.

Would you like to identify the relevance and curiosities that the Cartuja Monastery of Granada holds? Stay and read this post, we show you everything you need to know below!

The history of the monastery

The history of the Cartuja Monastery begins in 1506 when the Gran Capitán ceded some land he owned in Alfacar, with the intention of building the present monument there. However, when the founding monks of the Cartuja del Paular arrived in Granada in 1514, they decided to change the location of the monastery.

As a result, the Gran Capitán abandoned the project and work was restarted in 1516, and it took three centuries to complete it. This led to the current diversity of styles that we can admire in the monastery.

On the other hand, it is important to mention that this monument was inhabited by the Carthusian monks until 1835 and, in 1842, it suffered the destruction of its cloister and cells.

By its rooms

The Carthusian Monastery is made up of many rooms. Thus, the areas that are visited first are usually the cloister, with orange trees, a fountain and aromatic plants, together with the refectory, which served as a dining room for the friars.

The common rooms also include the sala profundis, dedicated to prayer, the laymen's room, which is the oldest room in the monastery, and the monks' chapter house.

Finally, the most impressive rooms of the monument are the Tabernacle, the Sacristy and the Church. Thus, in the Tabernacle, the heavenly dome painted by Antonio Palomino and the work carried out by Hurtado Izquierdo, using materials of great beauty and delicacy to transmit a profound religious sense, stand out among all its components.

Regarding the Sacristy, which many consider to be the most beautiful in the world, we can observe abstract and geometric shapes on its walls, together with marble, stucco and paintings where light gains prominence.

The Church of the Carthusian Monastery is a real jewel and is divided into three parts, one for the faithful, one for the choir of the lay brothers and one for the choir of the Fathers. However, the centre of attention is the High Altar, which leads to the Tabernacle.

Nor should we forget the compass, a space that serves as a preamble to the monastery, entering it through a 16th century doorway by Juan García de Prada.

For its works of art

The decoration of the Cartuja Monastery is one of the elements that most impresses visitors, as it contrasts with the sobriety of its exterior.

As soon as we pass through the entrance gate we are struck by its original examples of 16th and 17th century Granada cobblestones, which conquer the entire compass.

All the paintings in the enclosure are also spectacular, especially the paintings of the Carthusian order by Fray Luis Sánchez Cotán. Nowadays, these works of art are mainly to be found in the refectory.

There are also important artistic gems in other rooms, such as the alabaster image of Saint Bruno in the lay chapter, the paintings by Vicente Carducho in the chapter house and the picture of Judith painted by Bocanegra in the tabernacle, among others.

Visit the Cartuja Monastery in Granada

As you have seen throughout this article on why to visit the Cartuja Monastery, inside its rooms we can observe an exquisite decoration, representing the pinnacle of Spanish Baroque architecture. In addition, the presence of the Carthusian monks and other personalities make this site a place of great historical richness.

If you would like more information about the Monasterio de la Cartuja de Granada, do not hesitate to buy your tickets on the official website of the Archdiocese of Granada, book your visit and be amazed by this wonderful monument!

Curiosities about the Cartuja Monastery

Curiosities about the Cartuja Monastery

Construction of the Tabernacle of the Cartuja Monastery

Construction of the Tabernacle of the Cartuja Monastery

Legos Chapter: Cartuja Monastery Granada

Legos Chapter: Cartuja Monastery Granada

Chapels of the cloister of the Charterhouse of Granada

Chapels of the cloister of the Charterhouse of Granada